Alone together,
For worse or for better,
No need to know your past,
No worrying about your look,
Let the cold fire blast
so that written words hook,
Miserable happiness will enlighten the darkness,
Alone together,
That’s joyful terror,
Alone together,
No other phrase to say it fairer,
Alone together,
No way to surpass the wether.
This made me smile. I like your use of binary oppositions, "cold fire, " "joyful terror." thanks for sharing!
'Alone together.' So true.
Terrific poem, Jingle.
Hi I could see a lots of oxymorons here too starting from alone together to cold fire,Miserable happiness and joyful terror ...hmm..hope oxymorons got you now :)
Enjoyed it!
I loved the phrase alone together ... that speaks so much :)
wonderful write :D that was a fun read.
beautiful, also love the image
reading this, a doubt arrives - were u inspired by Uma or Uma by you? ;) coz oxymorons fill here :D hehe! nicely said, Ji :)
amazing poem Jingle. I loved it
Beautifully juxtaposed.
Love this! A song of the opposites:) Alone together... I can sooo much relate to that
Nice play on words at the end.
I also like the picture; playful and colorful, and who doesn't love the beach?
(Nice legs too!) ;)
"Miserable happiness"...something so common in life. We seek what is comfortable...even if it is misery. I really like this piece, Jingle.
Another poem of oxy's. So well expressed Jingle.
I'm am, yet again, in awe of your write ! Very nice !
Happy Rally
Great us of juxtaposition. Really enjoyed the poem.
Loved your play on opposites. cold fire
alone together, etc. Life is but dualities.
great play on words...well captured
in awe... "alone together" ... loved that bit as it keeps on playing in your head..
Being alone together...can be good and sad . Great poem!
alone and together can be ....and is in so many relationships...
thought this had a subtlea ring of truth to it...
Love it !!!
Just now I've learnt about Oxymorons from 'Inside my Poem book'- Uma's blog and, I could see many of them here. Nice and interesting:)
I learned, we learned from NAPOWRIMO,
they posted a prompt for Day 5,
thanks for commenting..
I love this, lovely imagery, and I like how you've made solitude sound like it isn't solitude at all. Wonderful poem!
I love this alone together! :)
alone together with only your love! that is surely the best thing! this is nicely done! i felt the emotions conveyed. nice choice of words and rhyme! i love it!
please check mine too: "Beyond Silent Wars"
Alone together.. Yeah, just being alone with the one-self... Lovely write.. :) :)
Alone together..what a thought! loved it
loved the use of all the opposites... great poem Jingle..:-)
cute poem....it has a rhythm
Just those two words in your title....can tell so much....
alone together...miserable happiness, enlighten the darkness...
these are things, feelings that happens too so many...
whimsical, intentionally strange; resembles an uncommitted heart.
this poem is really amazing ji, wise, deep and full of true love.
a new style by ji.. my thursday~ http://fiveloaf.wordpress.com/2010/12/30/let-it-be-it/
Along together...I experience that often.
wow Jingle! this is beautiful. I can say with confidence that this is my favorite piece from you. so nice, with a touch of something i usually don't sense in your poetry...
Lovin it ;)
Yes, we are alone, together. Good use of oxymoronic thinking.
Fabulous use of antithesis - and so subtle that I keep noticing more and more.
Thank you for continuing to share and inspire!
Well done!! I really enjoyed reading!
Lovely poem, I really enjoyed this :) Thank you
Beautiful and light. I too learned about oxymorons from NaPoWriMo, they're handy:D
oh thats pretty
I love "joyful terror, alone together."
To me, you made a poem that was sad, yet simultaneously celebratory.
Very nice.
I love the "Alone together" imagery.
Great work, Ji!
Yes, cold fire, alone together, joyful terror. Well done! (and true)
i love this poem as it plays so such on emotion and affection....great poem.
Enlightning as well as thought
provoking! such clever word combinations.
'Alone together'
Such a interesting thought penned down very nicely..
The title and the poem both are superb!
cool feel every long term partnership can identify with this, some of the time LOL
You made me laugh cry! Smiles
Comment? My comment? There are already 50 comments for this post... and I don't think people comment on something they don't like. :)
Even together, we are still alone. So true! Lovely Ji!
Beautiful use of antonyms. Lovely, meaningful poem.
Very nice Jingle!! I hope you have a happy Friday!! Blessings!
Such a beautiful melody in this piece. I just wanted to be "alone together" with someone...very nice work! ~ Rose
Great one, Jingle ... you always amaze!
Alone together...flowed with a unique harmony. Excellent poem.
this is so sweet and rhythmic... well done, ji!
Its true Ji "alone together"
Im back. nice to join again.
'Alone together', loved it Ji.. here is my rally poem... a dream she is... a kiss seals...
Someone is Special
I like this one...does your being alone together you mean it literally?
Wonderful thoughts...and made me think how to be 'alone together'!
Great write - love the "alone together" concept, it speaks so much truth in those two words.
Yes, sometimes we are both elated and miserable when in love!
You are a master wordsmith using phrases that jolt the mind...fantastic!
I love the wordplay! Miserable happiness, I like that a lot.
The contradiction in terms is delightful!
Liked the oxymorons, just like everyone else mentioned.
'Let the cold fire blast
so that written words hook' - I specifically jumped at this line.
'Alone together' ... a contradiction in terms, but can be so true. Love this :) (by the way, my 18 done, will peruse the others at leisure!)
Very sweet poem, beautiful picture as well.
i love that..."alone together"
well said jingy, i loved it!
Very nice write Jingle...oxymorons, binary oppositions, whatever you choose to call them...good work is what I say.
Joyful terror and alone together just sound so splendid together. I loved this, thanks for sharing!
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