Rain is the scent of spring,
The catalyst of passion,
The balm of pain,
The signal of transformation.

Silence is the time to feel
Something real,
Yet, it is still
And has strong will to fulfill.

I own all an apology,
I am no good at topology,
I love algebra and symmetry,
Yet go panic on advanced geometry.
A-Z Challenge: R, S, T
Monday Poetry Potluck W32 Share 1 to 3 poems with Jingle Poetry Potluck, enjoy poetic friends, You are invited!
Wonderful Jingle very original.
lovely, very thoughtful ones. thanks for the awards...you are too kind. They will be up on my awards page, :)
Thank you for stopping by. Glad to be on board. Wondeful poetry.
So fun to read! Thanks, Jingle!
Love this. You are so talented.
Haha! Magnific use of the word Topology! Truly I didnt expect how you would use it!!!!
Loved it :)
What a fantastic poem and lovely pictures to accompany it. I enjoy the way you weave your words. Thank you!!
Happy Easter!!
Thank you jingle for your encouragement. Beauiful poem and lovely pictures.
Clever jingles!
Loved your post. Especially appropriate because we have been having nothing but rain the last few days...
rain a signal of transformation - I like that idea.
thanks for your visit to my alphabe-thursday.
That was very good and flowed so well.
I love rain.. Happy Easter..
Beautiful, especially rain and silence.
Lovely & refreshing! Last stanza is funny. You seem to be connected to mathematics vastly:)
Thanks for stopping by The Simple Life for Alphabe-Thursday. Love the topology poem. Mobius strips are my favorite. :-)
Love the juxtapositions
Love the juxtapositions
Very interesting topics. Beautiful words.
This was fun read, and I do agree, rain is the catalyst of change
Well done... makes one pause and think.
beautiful Poem Jingle... ;-)
I like the way you do words :)
Hello Jingle, I have not visited you in a while. How are you?
Your RST is wonderful. Thank you. I am in the challenge too :)
That was wonderful!
You make the rain into a blessing..beautiful words!!
Thanks Jingle for the comment and awards, very much appreicated,
Wow - way to put them all in one post.
Lovely as always.
Great poem Jingle.I loved the way how the lines have rhymed.
Thank you for visiting Ariel. I'm pressed for time now but soon i would love to join the poets rally week.
While these are all lovely, the first one is especially breath-taking. Great job!
What great little poems you have here, I love it! :)
My favorite is "Rain" :)
ohh i love the rain :D
the last one is fun :D enjoyed reading
Loved the last one...very funny...as advanced geometry would have me in a panic, too!
You leave me yearning for rain once again even though summer has just begun here!beautiful lines and images in the first two stanzas.And well for the third--all of it scares the hell out of me.
Beautiful words and pictures! Very good!
Wonderful poem Jingle
Be blessed
The first two had nice rhyming and the last ones made me smile...very original poem .I liked it
lovely! ♥
I love your poems and pictures on this post--truly lovely. Mickie :)
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