Friday, January 13, 2012

Let's Have A Tomato Feast

Tomato Humor

Tomato Is Fun

Tomato Sauce

Tomato Pie

Tomato Cucumber Salad

Tomato Chutney

Tomato And Watermenlon

Steak with Tomato

Stacked Tomato Salad

Provencal Tomato

Oven Dried Tomato

Onions and Tomatoes

Onion Tomato Uthappam

Olive And Sun Dried Tomato

Mozzarella Tomato

Macroroni With Tomato Season

Indian Summer Tomato

Fried Green Tomato Salad

Fried Green Tomato

Fresh Tomato Salad

Fresh Tomato Pasta

Florida Tomatoes

Filo Tomato Tart

Curried Tomato Salad

Crispy Goat Tomato with cheese

Creamy Tomato Basil

Chunky Tomato Salsa

Chicken In Tomato

Cheery Tomato Cobbler

Big Rainbow Tomato Bread

Tomato Vinaigrette

***** A Poem

This is a tomato song,
Welcome to sing along.
Tomato is vegetable
That is irreplaceable;
Tomato is fruit
That boosts your mood;
Tomato is fun
Since it turns red under the wooing sun,
Tomato is cool
Because it is good 4 u;
Tomato is wealthy
As u c, it keeps u healthy;
Tomato is a star,
It reduces the risk of prostate cancer, research says so far;
Let's have a tomato feast,
Take some home please, No waste.

Bluebell Books Twitter Club Thursday Short Story Slam Week 26



TALON said...

Funny enough, I had some tomatoes at dinner tonight. Just some slices with salt and pepper on the side. Now I'm wishing I'd seen your post first, Jingle :)

I liked your tomato song!

Caty said...

Jingle your tomato song was fun! and the pics delicious....I may need to find me a tomato after this week's magpie prompt!

brenda w said...

What a visual feast! Great pictures, sweet poem. Beautiful Magpie!

signed...bkm said...

Cute Magpie Jingle.... all the pictures make one those tomatoes...bkm

Kathe W. said...

holy tomato potato...those were some stunning pics along with toothpicks...nice Magpie...very fun!

MinnieRunner said...

A lot of good stuff out of a tomato huh :)

So how do you pronounce it? to-ma-to or to-may-toe?

Tumblewords: said...

A glorious tribute to the wonderful tomato - love the pictures and your song. I'm singing along, I'm singing along!

Bernie said...

I love tomatoes and eat them almost every day of my life no matter the season, I even love them fresh off the vine in the garden..yummmmmm....:-) Hugs


The versitile tomato is as good as any subject to write about. loved the song.


Unknown said...

You are the best..what a wonderful song and all those pictures.

Kathy G said...

Now you've gone and made me hungry :-)

Jessie said...

i'm not much of a tomato eater, but some of those look yummy!

thank you for the awards and for visiting.


Barbara said...

Aren't the heirloom tomatoes divine? I could eat tomato sandwiches for lunch every summer. Now I'll have to go back and look...did you have a photo of a tomato sandwich??

The Oceanside Animals said...

Mmmm, tomato ...

Kimberly said...

I LOVE tomatoes too!

Thanks for linking!

joanna said...


Imaginative, clever, witty and just plain wonderful.


Kristin said...

What a cool post! I love all the pictures and the poem is great - thank you too for your kind comment, it means a lot! Kristin xo

Unknown said...

I have tomatoe's on the brain anyway...I have five huge plants just loaded with red goodness.....all the pictures gave me some ideas......

Anonymous said...

Love those tomatoes. Some on here I haven't try but will now. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods.

Helen said...

An amazing Magpie - clever, unique and most delicious. I will have the tomato and cucumber dish please ...

Sadako said...

Awesome. Tomatoes. I bet Harriet the Spy would so approve.

Amy said...

Oooh, those tomato dishes look divine! I want tp rush to my kitchen and tomato up my lunch! As always, you never fail to inspire, Jingle! Thanks!

Stafford Ray said...

It took so long to read your Tomato, I was late for bed! After the pictures I had to make a tomato supper, which entailed a dash to the convenience store before reading the delightful song, then back again for more tomato to treat my prostate before finally getting to bed to read my garden guide... how to grow toatoes, natch!

RA said...

The tomato song is lovely! :)

Tess Kincaid said...

Oh no....and not a tomato in the house!

Amy said...

great post.. I love tomatoes..

Sheri said...

very nice magpie you silly tomato girl!! i was so hungry half way through it i almost left to go to the kitchen before i reached your tomato song!! you are so original, and yes, i think i will have one!

Ed Pilolla said...

and tomatoes are unpredictable, at least this year. my mom's plants yielded tomatoes in the winter this year, which is so strange.
fun stuff, as usual.

Jannie Funster said...

I LOVE tomatoes in all their amazing forms.

HEY !! It's dinner time!! You are a tomato temptress today. I am at the library, and ready to eat, but no food until home :)


Karen S said...

Silly, silly fun! I love it -- thank you!

Linda said...

Hey Jingle, I enjoyed your tomato song, even though I'm not a connieseur of the fresh tomato. I did love the food pics, though. Good thing I'd already eaten!

Pamela Kellogg said...

Thank you so much for following my blog! You're name is in the basket! Good luck! I'm following you now!


River-Rose said...

Could almost see the ball dancing over the words of your tomato jingle:) Really did put an immediate smile on my face and the pics are too cool!

~T~ said...

What a delicious post! It would make me hungry if I hadn't just eaten potato salad. But I love fresh tomatoes, even more.

Susan Fields said...

I had no idea there are so many things to do with tomatoes! Great poem, too. :)

ninotaziz said...

For one who loves tomatoes, thank you Jingle for a great tomato song and many more ways to love tomatoes!

Anonymous said...

Great post - a vegetarian cousin is staying at the moment so a great inspiration for recipes!

Brigid O'Connor said...

Lovely visual feast.

rel said...

definitely food and words for a feast. Cool man!

Anonymous said...

Really cool. The Tomato song was so much fun. Loved it! Nice pictures.

Hilary said...

Now you have me craving tomatoes. A fine ode to this delicious fruit.

Candace said...

Tomatoes are heavenly! I really enjoyed your tribute to them. Thanks so much for stopping by to see me! I hope you will come again.

You have a fun blog!

Happy Wednesday~~

Together We Save said...

I do love tomatoes!! Yummy post! Thanks for stopping by to see me.

Anonymous said...

Cute post! Tomatoes are awesome! : )

SuziCate said...

Oh, yummy, my favorite summer delight! Love a sandwich with a homegrown tomato!

Michelle said...

Ok, your making me hungry :)
I love fried green tomatoes!!

Anonymous said...

u knw what i dont lyk tomatoes!!!!!!!!!

cindy said...

Oh this is simply delightful Jingle. Thank you for pointing me here, I didn't know you had this blog. I will cook something for you with tomatoes, but not today as I have already made supper and we are about to sit down to eat it.

Caroline said...

i love you tomato madness...makes me want a tomato right now.

susan m hinckley said...

Shouldn't have read that when lunch is still 2 hours off . . . delightful magpie!

Luisa Doraz said...

What fun you all have. :) I love all of the images. :) Eat up. :)

JamieDedes said...

Cute. Funny. Joyful . . . thanks for the giggles and the collection of recipes. Here's to tomato showers!

Thanks, Ji!

Anonymous said...

Every image was so deliciously inviting!!!
Oh Gawwwddd... now I am so hungry!!!
And this cute poem you've written... just perfect!
You think we'll let it go waste???!?! No way, girl!! Me taking more than my share ;-)
Have a fun and tomatoey bright and beautiful week ahead!!

Anonymous said...

very lively and refreshing- cheerio!

Anonymous said...

very lively and refreshing- cheerio!

Anonymous said...

looove the mouth-watering and juicy photos... you made me very hungry :D

a very cute poem too :)

Unknown said...

This was truly an original and pleasant page - thank you for sharing it.

ZENDOM said...

What is smooth and seedy and packed with vitamin C
Well it is red also and very good and juicy
You can make soup or sauce the choice is simple and free
Or you can just cut it up in a salad or even let it be
But many say it is a vegetable like a potato
The simple truth its a fruit it is a sun ripened tomato

enjoy Jingle..HAPPY WEDNESDAY TO YA(+)

G-Man said...


I'm hungry!!

Friko said...

Enough, Enough, Enough already. I love your tomato post, from the scratched bits at the beginning to the poem at the end.

Now I really must go and have one of those tomato concoctions!

Thanks for coming to my blog, if this is what you do, i shall be back and have another giggle.

Terri said...

Tomatoes are the best growing one on my patio in one of those topsy turvy tomato planters so far I have one tomato and lots of flowers.

Anonymous said...

yum mouth i watering...never knew tomatoes cud be this interesting...thank u:)

Helena said...

Now here's a blog we won't see too many of! What a fabulous mixture of tangy odes, humour and temptation! Excellent!

Ruth said...

If I didn't already love tomatoes, I would have been convinced after these glorious photos and your peppy cheers for tomatoes!

Anonymous said...

HEY! I LOVVVVEEEEE this neverending tomato post and poem and humour! You had me laughing outloud and my mouth is WATERING...I kid You not! A friend of mine has a HUGE organic garden and he just emailed me today that I am to come over this weekend and take some tomatoes away as they're exploding! I'm VERY excited! Thank You so much for this joy! Cheers and Namaste. :)

Jenny said...

Mmmmm.... Tomatoes!!! I love tomatoes but not as much as my littlest Grand :-)

Thanks for sharing such a cute post with us!

Anonymous said...

I love tomatoes ty... have an awesome day!!

Anonymous said...

handsome and thoughtful.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

reposted an old piece, enjoy.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

tomatoes are of the best vegetables and fruits.

Marissa Biden Sergey Christina Murphy said...

amazing feast.

renren said...

And I must have tomatoes! Good job!

Elizena said...

This was fun to read and I almost died from hunger as I looked at each picture...three times! I finally went down and fixed myself a nice omelet with tomatoes, onions, bell peppers and cheese. Whoa!! See what happens when you read something good? LOL!! Thanks for sharing!

Viola Cohen said...

thoughtful and yummy.

Viola Cohen said...

thoughtful and yummy.