The Spot Light Award
Award from sk at http://waiseekweng.wordpress.com/2010/07/25/7-things-about-me/

The Most Valuable Blogger Award from Jingle

One Lovely Blog Award
Award from sk at http://waiseekweng.wordpress.com/2010/07/25/7-things-about-me/
from Jincy: http://faeryofthewilds.blogspot.com/2010/07/one-lovely-blog-award.html

Your Comments Are My Sunshine Award
Award from Diamonds and Dogs: http://randomthoughtsandmusings.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/your-comments-are-my-sunshine/
and from Suzi: http://suzicate.wordpress.com/2010/07/24/from-bedrock-to-beaches/

The Versatile Blogger Award
This one was given by Alice Audery at: http://www.aliceaudrey.com/?p=5525

You Are Like The Sprinkles On My Cupcake Award
Award from Dennis: http://dennisthevizsla.wordpress.com/2010/07/25/its-the-sunday-awards-and-meem-show-elekshun-reezults-edishun/
***** Thank You, Suzi, Dennis, Dismonsanddogs, sk, Alice Audery, and Jincy for your kindness in thinking of me. I appreciate friendship and humbly accept and pass them
today to those who are dear and kind to Jingle...xxx *****
The Rules of Acceptance:
1. Thank those who loved you enough to bestow this gift.
2. Share seven (7) things about yourself.
3. Bestow this honor onto 10 newly discovered or followed bloggers–in no particular order–who are fantastic in some way.
4. Drop by and let 10 chosen friends know you love them.
Seven (7) Things About Jinge:
1. I am left-handed.
2. I like to smile instead of cry.
3. I prefer to drive and sightseeing the nature when I take family vacations.
4. I love reading ever since I was seven years old.
5. I enjoy friends who are simple minded and have positive attitude about life.
6. I barely watch TV nowadays.
7. I was afraid of snakes.
Now, As you see, I have 7 nominations from my friends mentioned above, plus one award I wish to share with all of you...
Thus, I would like to have a minimum 40, up to 80 friends who take and enjoy at least one of these awards...Thus, if you wish to have one or two, please leave a comment to let me know.
Thank You.
Please do follow the rule and share if you take the awards.
Happy Tuesday!
Keep Smiling!
very nice indeed dear xxxx
I accepted your "Versatile Blogger" award and I thank you for it. What rules apply to it? Are they athe same for all the awards, Jingle?
same rule to each award please..
thank for the acceptance!
Congratulations on all of those awesome awards.
I also love to smile instead of cry...congrats on the awards!
congrats to you. Have a great day...
Good list...smiling is always better. Congrats on all your lovely awards. They are all well deserved!
Congratulations on the awards.
Thanks Ji and congratulations to all of those awesome awards. You Rock Jingle oxo
Thank you Jingle for the awards, I picked two as I already have the others.
I enjoyed reading the 7 facts about yourself.
Take care.
Thank you for the beautiful awards Jingle.. it's an honor to receive them, and a pleasure to pass along! I am accepting your Sprinkles on my Cupcake award... I think it voices how I feel about so many of my fabulous blogger friends!
Thanks once again, Ji... You are simply amazing!
Thank you for the beautiful awards, Jingle. I have posted them. I did not repeat the 7 things, as I had already done that in Bits O f Me... if that is not okay, please let me know and I will do something else. Thank you again. Heartspell
Congrats on your awards! :)
Thankyou Jingle. Congratulation to all.
Congratulations my friend, you deserve all.......:-) Hugs
Congrats my friend and I love the sprinkles on my cupcake award. I will post it in a couple days. Thanx Jingle
Lovely 7 things about yourself, well except the snakes.
I received your email about the awards and I understand, no problems, I will post mine on Thursday with my poem for Thursday rally.
Jingle, I was honored that you picked my blog to mention. Thank you.
I was funning about the avatar that Wordpress assigned me. It isn't the normal purple one. Rather it was an orange pumpkin looking fellow.
Both of them look angry.
See my avatar here. It is one I picked, a picture of me and Mr. Tin Man.
thanks Jingle and congrats on all as well..enjoy and Happy Wednesday to you(+)
very sweet, i need to take time to play, i will this afternoon right now breakfast and the gym!!
This is like Award Central
I am also left-handed (smile). Congratulations on your awards, they are well deserved.
Nice set of Awards :)
you are always so fun! thanks for sharing the seven things about yourself :)
I'm not very good with awards because it feels like pulling teeth for me to tell anything about myself. So I never do them right. I'll leave a link here in my next post though. One thing I can reveal is that I am left handed too.
Good to hear from you. Have discontinued `We Can Wednesday' but really valued your wonderful contributions. Look forward to visiting your site often.
Congrats......All the best jingle.. :)
ty Jingle == much hugs
Thanks for thinking of me Jingle. I'm not very good at following rules sometimes, though.
thanks for the awards Jingle and thankyou for accepting mine too :)
How wonderful. Thank you so much! :)
You are absolutely a hall of fame award blogger. Congratulations on lifetime blog achievements!!
Jingle, ot sure how your all these award works,but just a short note here, enjoy reading your post with thoses cute pictures, it make my days not so stress...:)
You are always so good about this, Jingle. Thank you! what a special presence you are on the internet.
Jingle, want a nice thing to do. An award will be cherished and passed on . . . will let you know . . . today is a busy day, so I will have to sort out things tonight or tomorrow, but didn't want to le the day pass without saying "thank you." . . . and thanks for sharing seven things about yourself. Nice to get to know you better . . . somehow not surprised you don't watch TV (I don't either) because you'd never have time for the blogging if you did! . . . blessings and best wishes for a great day and wonderful weekend.
I like the you are like sprinkles on my cupcake award. Too cute.
I like the You are my sunshine award.....I'll play...let me know what I do next! Cheers K
You're very generous, jingle. Thank you. I will pass them on. X Lisa
How very sweet of you to create all these awards !
Yes I accept the 'most valuable blogger awar' ! Thanks a ton for it ! Will post it soon.
What a lovely collection of awards! Congratulations on being so well endowed!
Thanks so much Jingle!
Am happy to accept versatile Blogger and Sprinkles on Cupcake!
Hi Jingle!
First of all, "Happy Frendship Day!"
You made my day by choosing me for the awards. Thanks a lot for your kindness towards me.
I love to accept, "One Lovely Blog Award" and "The Versatile Blogger" Award!
Congrats for all the award winners!
Do keep visiting my blog!
Yours Frendly,
Saravana Kumar M
congratulations on ur award...thank u:)
hi Jingle-- Congrats on your awards! Have a happy Sunday!
I'm posting as Anonymous because I keep getting error messages on Blogger, on your site & others. Hope it will work this time.
Congratulations on all of yoru awards, Jingle. That's great!
Sheila :-)
Lovely awards, thank you so much Ji, you're the best! :)
Thanks and congrats Jingle, you rock :)
Congratulations Jingle!!
Thanks, Jingle-- I've posted it on my page. We'll see if Blogger takes this... [Nope, back to posting as anonymous]
Nice way to spread around some happiness rays!!!
I've accepted two awards from here Jingle.. Thanks so much..!! Have a happy monday!! :)
Congrats on all your awards Jingle. And thank you for sharing it.
I accept Your Comments Are My Sunshine Award
and The Versatile Blogger Award
please tell me how to put these on my page... and where should i share 7things about me... i mean it must me on ABOUT ME page ...
Thank you. Don't know if I am doing this right? But I forwarded your message to seven peeps. I accepted the purple with stars. Is this where I am supposed to tell you seven things?
1. I'm 5' 1 1/2" tall
2. I grew up on the Gulf, and am very sorry about the destruction there.
3. I love sun shine.
4. I love all the seasons.
5. I love mountains.
6. I am very grateful to be alive today.
7. Yellow is my favorite color.
Great awards...
Thanks for the awards and also thank you for your special notes of appreciation and support.
Your such a sweet person and a wonderful lady :-) But forgive me if I don't follow up it's not because I don't to but its because I can't so forgive. And thanks for the award but I may bot be able to follow the rules so I will have to let them stay :-( But I am happy that you visited me and found me worthy of your time thanks:-)
Very interesting.
Thanks for visiting me at Wordpress
Nice to get to know you! PS - I like orange, too - also RED.
Thank you so much for thinking of me, and the kind awards.
Here are my 7 things about me
1. I exist to love
2. I get inspired by people and nature
3. I am a peace maker
4. I studied and lived in a spiritual community for some time
5. I enjoy reaching out to others
6. I am living my dreams
7. I appreciate your kindness for all that you do and give to us
Hope you are well and enjoying the Summer.
Much love
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