Thursday, May 13, 2010

55-I Have Lived An Independent Life

As a wife,
I have lived an independent life.
I paid my own tuition fees,
I earned my own degrees.
I have my own bank account,
In addition to our joint account.
I fully respect my hubby in reality,
I never doubt his loyalty.
No stalks,
No angry talks.
We become the happiest married folks.

Write a poem that is fiction in 55 words. Give it a try and notify G-man at:

This poem is close to my real life. I spend ZERO time questioning or monitoring my hubby, what's the point? We have two boys, I don't think that anyone can break my marriage. I encourage him to make as many friends as possible. Outside home, everyone wears a mask, it is natural that people are more friendly, but back at home,
everything is real, I know him and he knows me, we make a perfect family!

Re: If anyone is interested in getting awards, Please feel free to go back to Jingle's May Follower Award Week 2 and take what you want from there.

Thank You In Advance!
Happy Flash Friday 55!
I value your opinion!
You Are The Best!


Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

I love the sound of you Jingle=0)


Sheri said...

ah jingle, this was so touching, and especially so when i read your below your 55 to see that this was your lovely life! what a wonderful blessing to enjoy each other so much!

G-Man said...

I've always said about my marriage, that what is mine is ours..And what is hers is hers!
Yours sounds a bit better..hehehehe
Excellent 55 My Friend.
Have I thanked you enough for making your blog so accessable?
Thanks for being so supportive...You Rock!!

Rosaria Williams said...

Independence is vital to growth and self esteem.

steveroni said...

I'm really laughing--WITH you, not AT you, believe me!

You wrote (above):

"We become the happiest married folks.

Write a poem that is fiction in 55 words."

Take a look, do you not agree--funny, of course everyone knows what you meant!

And it is a QUITE nice "55", one I may copy and share around. Thank you Jingle! (I would credit you, naturally!)

Unknown said...

Very nice...
I used to be like you in my first marriage too...
I am truly happy for you...

Mine is here
Have you an AWESOME weekend!

Pravin Nair said...

wow Jingle,

Ur post made me ponder..really..

Im not amrried yet but still understand that giving each other space and mutual respect is what forms the base of any relationship..

TRUST is a big factor..this just confirms my belief that ur indeed SUPERWOMAN ;-)

Nice post!

Gandhali said...

you can reply-comment on my blog if you like so it's easier for me :)

Gandhali said...

oh wow ... how old are you? i always thought you were my age ... :)

Reader Wil said...

Though my husband and I shared a lot, I am glad I had my job, my own bank account and my own ideas about a lot of things and so had he. Great poem, Jingle!

Anonymous said...

This is very beautiful. I love reading your posts. BTW, the picture was very cute. Thanks for sharing...:)

Anonymous said...

That's the way a marriage should be if you ask me. :) Excellent 55 my friend. Have a wonderful weekend :)

Anonymous said...

I love to read about the happy marriages ~ thank you for your offering today. My parents celebrate 50 years soon and this could easily be their story as well. Beautiful.

I'm up at:
Friday Flash 55 ~ Silvia's Smile

Hootin Anni said...

Yours and mine this week are quite similar, aren't they? Way to go. I guess you could say 'great minds think alike'.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a wonderful comment.

Just Be Real said...

Thank you for sharing Jingle. Have a blessed weekend.

Cheryl said...

Enjoyed this bunches.

Thanks for stopping by and offering words of support.

JStar said...

This is so great Ji! Why check up on him because if someone wants to do it, they will...Whatever is done in the dark eventually comes to life....Why stress myself wondering what he is doing, I am too busy doin me :) One day I will have a relationship like this...When that time is right :)

Wings1295 said...

Quite awesome, Jingle.

I feel the same way about me and my Mrs. :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

I have been married for 18 years,
I am 41...Thank you all for the positive feedback...U Rock!

One Prayer Girl said...

No twists or turns in this 55. No surprises. They are not needed. This 55 is perfect just exactly the way you wrote it. You are a very lucky lady.


Anonymous said...

Secretly, I know my husband wishes I were the one writing that poem.

moondustwriter said...

you do have a loving, trusting home.
Just what those children need


Ingrid said...

Nice poeme, for me it's difficult to write a poeme in English, lol !

ZENDOM said...

Independence shows you are positive of finding the being you truly are as this is your Enlightenment and whatever comes your way you will understand it is a trial that vanishes well because of your Onenness in hat is off to you in this endeavour...enjoy as well and Happy Friday also(+)

island of peace said...

hmm. this is so like you. lovely poem. cherish this trust and love.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I admire your attitude. I could never be that strong in my relationship.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Re: Anonymous

My husband works as a professor in university, for 6.5 years, we work at exactly the same building...
he teaches college students, he has to be an adviser to graduate students at times, it means working with female students individually with their Masters Degree creative component or Thesis, my husband looks young and full of energy, he wins fellowships and research grants, everyone loves him.

I know how much he loves our boys,
I told him to feel free doing what's best for his career, I set up different office hours, I purposely avoid going close to his office during his office hours, because he will have students asking him questions...his office door is always open when he has students in....

Yes, I may be be upset or feel jealous if I see a young woman student in his office talking to him individually, but I choose not to see it. I myself talk to many young male college students, besides teaching them the class and helping them learn in a fun way, I have NO feelings for my students...

I choose NOT to ask or doubt my husband (my choice), I am busy with my own stuff. Sometimes he himself tells me stuff, I will listen...

"I think I will spend the rest of my life with you." He keeps telling me,

I said:"Well, any time, if you think that there is another woman who can be a better wife, please let me know.
I love you, but never wanted to be a burden of yours, i will let you go if you love me no more."

And so, he simply stayed and loves me more.

I feed him his favorite dishes,
when he comes home, the food is ready on the table and he simply sits down and eats...he is spoiled,
now I am spoiled to blog about it.

Many thanks for sharing your own experiences.

Dr. Heckle said...

Your poetry is amazing! Nice work!

PattiKen said...

I really like this, Jingle There is no more loving a relationship than that of two independent people who respect and are committed to each other.

Well done.

Stephanie said...

What a great poem and insight into your happy home! Loved reading this on a Friday morning!

davidrheins said...

we are all connected, yet feel separated. We strive for independence while we long to couple.

buffalodick said...

Being happy with the set up has a lot to do with it working!

Rajlakshmi said...

that is so touching and so beautifull ... it just shows how much you respect your and other's life and decisions...

Together We Save said...

Very pretty!! You did a great job!

Anya said...

So lovely Jingle !!!!

Its a LOVING post :)

Have a Happy Weekend

william manson said...

I beleive everything u said, u have a happy life and in that u are able to share it with the world, long may u all rock and shine and be happy xxx

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

How absolutely refreshing and lovely to find someone without hang-ups. I see you running free and happy.
I am a new follower..
Faith, Hope, Loves grows..

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Sorry, as
Faith Hope Love Saves.
I hardly ever write that and tend to forget...
Bless you from Oz..

Susie said...

That's awesome!!

Anonymous said...

great poem. good for you for your family relationships.

Michelle said...

what a cute poem Jingle.
It's hard to believe I'll be 50 in just a few short years.
My hubby turned 55 this year.
You Rock!!

magiceye said...

this is beautiful

Mike Minzes said...

Best 55 ever!

Alexandra said...

Thank you for the award and for stopping by, Jingle!

I'm so glad the Sienna commercial made you laugh! We need to laugh a lot, don't we??

Have a wonderful weekend!

Suz said...

This was so nice to read
I don't know about this 55
but anyway it was such a declaration of love and honor and trust and faith....
good for you

Me said...

What a blessing, to have such a nice balance in your marriage!
Great 55, Jingle! :)

TALON said...

Jingle, I loved this. Without trust, what is a relationship? Your family sounds wonderful!

Sakhi. said...

u r n honest poet;)

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

It is very hard to find a happily married couple...thanks for sharing that the two of you are happy together. :))

gayle said...

I love your poem and you love for your husband!

Anonymous said...

I love the paragraph about the poem being close to your real life.Very healthy attitude you have.Great to see, this day and age.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Thank you all for the beautiful comments!
U Rock My World!