Chapters of my life are turning purple, green, gold,
There is fragrance of burning as nights grow cold.
The flagged footsteps with iris galore
of the most mysterious thoughts never appear before,
The air is filled with sweetness,
I love irises,
The symbol of life, love, and light.
Pray to God, Everything will be allright.
Write a poem that is fiction in 55 words. Give it a try and notify G-man at:
Happy Flash Friday 55!
I value your opinion!
You Are The Best!
that was pretty just like the irises!
evn i thought of writing a 55 fiction.. will do it soon!!! :)
jingle, this was lovely! they are so regal and proud looking, like grand old men parading down the street. your 55 was wonderful, just like you!
I love Irises as well.
Excellent 55 Jingle.
You Rock The World.
Thanks for playing, thanks for visiting, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G
nice. there is just something about irises..
Very pretty poem! Have a great weekend!
Oh, that was the most captivating 55 fiction in a poetry style i had ever read.... yes, i liked it a lot and really really enjoyed readin' it!!!:)
Great day!!!:)
Very vet nice my friend. :) irises are beautiful just like this. :)
I must be like an Iris...Sheri wrote about Irises being like "old men parading down the street."
You write truly beautifully, Jingle
Nice little prayer, Jingle!
Very nice , I love Irises.
Have a great weekend
Nice poem!
Great poem as usual. You have a very lyrical quality that is distinctly you own. That is what makes you unique and special. You have a bright spirit that shines thru ...thank you for brightening my night!
So lovely lines Jingle.
Nice to read it in the early morning :))
well done, Jingle...
you are getting really good at this...
mine is here
Have you a wicked weekend.
Hi Jingle, your 55 brings memories of how many times in my life the scent of flowers has enriched me. :))
Great flowers. Nicely said.
Beautiful tribute to the irises. I too love them. In fact, so much that I have a permanent one :=)
I'm up:
Friday Flash 55 ~ The Girl in the Mirror
The poem is beautiful. I've always loved Irises. They are among my favorite flowers. Great job.
Jingle they were 55 very pretty words & one very pretty picture. Lovely post!
I always have an ambivalent attitude towards irises, there is something that can be just a little disturbing about them. I thought your poem captured that ambivalence very well.
I love poems and flowers and poems about flowers. This one started my day w/a smile. Happy day to you Jingle!
Beautiful Ji!
I love Iris too...so lovely.
I love irises too! Mine are just starting to pop, purple and yellow, so pretty together. I love "fragrance of burning as nights grow cold, flagged footsteps with iris galore."
Beautiful, truly.
Thanks for visiting and commenting on mine!
Pretty good with words yourself My Friday 55
Well said, Beautiful dreamer with a sweet mind. The Iris is one of my favoured flowers. I didn't know there was such a variety until living in TN...Big Hug
Hi Jingle!
U Cool Too!!!
Thanks for coming by my blog!
I am now a follower!
that was awesome Ji ♥
as fragrant and colourful as the irises.
I can't drive 55.
I love irises, too. Happy Friday, Jingle!
Beautiful colours of this flower
As it grows with sunshine and showers
Sitting so daintly blowing in the breeze
Floating in the wind with the greatest of ease
Enjoyed by ones mind eye
With each passing moment that the clouds go by....
enjoy Jingle and Happy Friday to you(+)
This is so beautiful, Jingle, and such a powerful sentiment, a great 55.
Love this! I have massive irises in a purple that almost looks black. It is such a treat to have them bloom even for a short time. Great imagery. Thanks for visiting my blog and I am slowly getting to peek at all the people who stopped by to comment on "Gracie's Favorite". Have a great weekend!
a cascade of amazing colors, simply adorable, what a post xxx
Wonderful 55!! Have a great weekend.
How pretty!
Very pretty!
yes it's a true story I really hated to do what I did but then again he's been getting gas from me for quite some time now. I finally decided the only way to stop this is to step into a lower place than I like to be. So I bought five dollars of gas and then filled the rest of the can with water and placed it back in the truck with the rest of my equipment as I always did. The neighbor figured out that I filled my tanks for my gardening tools every Sunday night. He'd hit me early Monday Or Tuesday morning. I waited up at night just to see if I'd catch this guy and I finally did he thought he was slick doing what he was doing so I had to show him who was smarter than the average bear and it's going to cost him money just to clean out the gasline and the gas tank as you all know gas and water don't mix I really don't think he'll ever do it again if he does he's more of an idiot than I thought.
thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.Larry This Blog Of Mine
Very nice! Irises are so beautiful. We went to a garden display of irises recently. They had so many beautiful colors.
I love irises also, very pretty poem!! Happy Friday :)
Irises are very beautiful. Nice 55. Loved it...:)
I really enjoy your posting of poems they are very lovely. I remember in the 4th grade I bought my first book of poems, and got into my first fight. My best friend and I fought over the book. I allowed her to borrow the book and she would not give it back. Our friendship was never the same.
A great idea, but it's very difficult to write good poetry, let alone in a foreign language. English is not my mothertongue.
Lovely irises, Jingle!
Great poem, although I have to confess my hubby is the word smith in the family and does most of the texts on my blog as well. The last 2 lines are very applicable to us in Bangkok right now...
Great poem! I hadn't thought of posting in poetic style. Hmmm - I think I'll try one some time soon!
Thanks for visiting :)
Jingle, this is such a lovely poem! I love when you speak about 'chapters of my life' ... have a great w-e!
A great job on a tough assignment! Wow....I couldn't do it!
Great poem as usual... love it and love Iris' too.
Mine is up :)
Irises remind me of happy times in my Mom's back yard. Thanks,
The iris is such a beautiful bloom. Thank you for the lovely poem, Jingle! Hope you had a wonderful Sunday. :)
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