Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Spring Haikus


Spring days,

Radiant rays,

Figure fruits on Trays.


Swimming pools,

Gardens tools,

Knitting wools.


A Naughty boy

Plays a fancy toy,

What joy.


Camp around

A water pond

With hidden treasures to be found.


Turn the music on,

Listen to a favorite song,

Party until dawn.


What a delight

To spend a night

On a wild camping site.


Hello, How are You?

Hope that You enjoy some Spring Fun!

Let Me know which one is your favorite!

Many Thanks.

Happy Wednesday!

;) ;) ;)


Cielo Azul Jewelry said...

#2(knitting wools)


steveroni said...

A Naughty boy
Plays a fancy toy,
What joy.

#3 takes me wayyy back to about 7 hours ago....oh, well--a week from today I'll be age 77, still have toys though. And still "naughty"!

Also like a camping night #7

Thanks, Ji for more interaction...

TALON said...

I can't pick a favorite because I'm torn between no's 4, 5, and 6. Now I'm wishing I was heading out camping because it's so fun!

Gandhali said...

nice work, i like all of them! :)

Unknown said...

Fantastic, love the photo, and my favourites are 2 & 5, although I have to say it's been a long time since I partied til dawn.

Shriti said...

awww.. loved the ride xD
really nice jingle :))

Ronda Laveen said...

All very nice, Jingle. My favorite is #1.

Janice said...

I pick #7...though my partying until dawn days are a thing of the past. Great picture, too.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Very nice. I liked them all...:)
Nice post, Jingle!

Sam Liu said...

My favourite is haiku #1, there is something so joyful about it - thought they are all brilliant. Wishing you a happy Spring :)

Vanessa said...

I liked no. 1 the best, but the rest are good too! Keep it up Jingle!

If you're free, do head over to my blog. I posted a very interesting video of a man singing a beautiful song. He has a very unique voice-you must watch to the end to know what I mean.

Happy Wednesday, or whatever day you are reading this on!

Brian Miller said...

i like #4...cant wait to go camping...

Sheri said...

jingle, these are delightful and so are you for sharing these...they are all so fun of lovely sights and sounds! i'd have to say that i liked 5 and 6 the best. i used to camp out a lot with my parents and i still have the best memories of those times!

Marja said...

A joyful spring poem We are going into winter here

Susie said...

They are all good but I would pick #5 as my favorite:-)

Anonymous said...

the first one...
so radiant

sheila said...

#3, lol, makes me smile.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Thanks for my award Jingle :)

buffalodick said...

I thought they were all pretty good!
Sunshine and clean air,
Found in abundance even there,
A sign of Springtime.

Readers Dais said...

nice one jingle...so coooool
beautuful pic

thanks jingle for that wonderful award, its my first one, and u r so sweeeet to hve done that

thanks :)

davidrheins said...

nothing fresher than spring
when green grows after rain

Lyn said...

An amazing line up of Haiku..quite original..thank you!

william manson said...

again fantastic, your in haiku mood and its great xxx

Heather said...

Gorgeous picture! xo

Jenn said...

I love them all! I especially like the intrigue of the "hidden treasures" around the pond in #4.... and the music till dawn on #5 - fun!! :)

Caty said...

they are all fun! #4 is my favorite though :)

Captain Dumbass said...

I like #1 best.

Tracy said...

Those are all so great! I really like the camping one :O) Thanks for stopping over to my blog by the way!
Take care.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Get the lemonage out...I'm coming! LOL... sounds great..

Jen said...

I like number six because I can't wait to go camping!

Anonymous said...

the knitting wools is definetly my fave. love them all!

Janice said...

Brain failure...I meant #5, but you knew that.

joanna said...

Sorry Jungle I am not much help the more I read them and tried to decide -- well I like them all...


Life Is A Road Trip said...

Well, I like them all. My, but you have been busy!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Nice work! I love it!!