Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Find Out How Divine You Can Be

If all the principals

At all of the schools

Could turn all their teachers

Into orchestra conductors,

Then all the students

In all of their classrooms

Would perform their pieces of art

Musically and cheerfully, with No Disasters!

If all the parents

In all of the households

Could express their concerns and worries

In humor and laughter,

Then all the children

From all over the world

Would succeed their studies, and

Live happily ever after!

Life is an illusion, only a person as wise as you, can lift the fogs that bar one’s view to see the truth.

Life is better lived because of your courage, providence, and penetrating insights. Not everything is meant to be a mystery, not everything is supposed to be difficult, nothing can be claimed until you conclude it is, you are the rule of the game, you can make a difference the way you can never image!

Stop torturing yourself! It solves No problems at all!

Stop doubting your ability! You can always learn and get it!

There is a good reason to all sadness, madness, and pains! You are not the only soul who feels trapped, wronged, misunderstood, misled, fallen, or hurt! Without darkness, there will be no joy of seeing the light of hope. Without struggles, there will be no discovery of genuine friendships, realizations, and inner strength.

You dream about adventurous life, you hunger for a land of plenty, you wait for a time of bliss! All these desires decide all the obstacles in your way. And you are given opportunities to overcome these setbacks, detours, barriers, and sufferings! Once you have gone beyond the time and space, you become a better being!

Remain the course! You will be there! Your day will arrive! when you prevail, your names will be recorded in Heaven, and you will find out how divine you can be!


Grace~The Mommy On the Bus said...

What a fun blog you have! I'm looking forward to reading more form you!! Thanks for stopping by mine and sharing such sweet words with me! Be blessed today!!!

DrSoosie said...

As I stated on another post...Jingle you are such an inspiration. Live in the moment and be kind...you send great messages!!!

buffalodick said...

Nicely said! I paid my kids for grades A- $5 B- $2, C- nothing, D- they paid me $2, F- paid me $5... teacher overheard this and loved it!

Anya said...

Happy Tuesday :)))

Love your post !!!!
Very well written ...


Reader Wil said...

Thanks for your visit. I am so busy, because my children from Australia are here now, which is great.

william manson said...

music is the food of love, I love music and I know u adore music xx

Allie said...

aww this is so cute and happy! i love it!

brenda w said...

Jingle - Fun inspired truth. Now, the trick is to put it in their hearts so they can live it! Thanks for sharing. Brenda

justsomethoughts... said...

very good stuff

thank you

Maude Lynn said...

How inspiring!

steveroni said...

Truthfully Jingle, I cannot remember reading a more timely message, a more appropriate post, than this, at least for me--NOW.

Back in my "symphony" days (Cincinnati) I can remember factions which were opposite in cultures, politics, religions. Really, some peeps disliked one another. BUT, when that baton was raised, everyone achieved instantly an awareness of one-mindedness--in which the goal was to perform as perfectly as possible together, side-by-side, in what we call (and WHY we call it) CONCERT...

It was an amazing thing to be a part of it all for a number of years--my best and most-loved.

Thanks for some of these long-forgotten memories!

Ronda Laveen said...

A positively divine piece of work. Enjoyed reading it very much, Jingle.

Katherine Krige said...

You are amazing Jingle. You push all to be their best and let go of the negative. Very nice post. Thank you

ZENDOM said...

Why worry many times over with this and that
Live in the present moment as this is where its at
Be creative in all the things you do
This moves your energies right on through
So enjoy each day with wonder and glee
And look at you Spirit as well, It will set you free

enjoy Jingle and Happy Wednesday to you(+)

Katherine said...

Dear Jingle...that was just lovely! An inspirational & thought provoking piece of writing.
It was good reflective read for me personally!
Everything we think or feel is but a product of our own thought processes & we have all the power to change how we think! I like that thought!

Caroline said...

I just love that post and so very true !!!
Have a great one !!!
Caroline :)

Janice said...

An inspiring and positive message, Jingle.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

How nice, if we were just conductors. The reality is there are the three Rs.

island of peace said...

this is a real masterpiece. all teachers and parents can think about it.


Rick (Ratty) said...

I like this positive post. It makes me feel like I own the world and I can do anything.

Anonymous said...

Love it. Beautiful words and very true. Thanks for sharing them with us.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful post. Very inspiring and so very true...:)

the walking man said...

It is the divinity in me that seeks the pause between the notes. Without the silences there is no music.

Vicki Lane said...

Hope for a better world! Thanks for the visit!

Unknown said...

WOW.. this is REALLY GOOD, Jingle!

My dear Jingle,

You are such a creative writer so I am TAGGING YOU.. please go to Wordy Wednesday @Tara Miller Writes to write the next 1-3 lines to a story yet told! Once you have done that, please TAG others too. Take care of you! hugs shakira

Jen said...

I love the part about without darkness we can't appreciate the light. Nice job!

gayle said...

I love it even more!! Great post!!

JB said...

very nice! and very inspirational :)

Jenn said...

So insightful and inspirational! I enjoyed reading your post! :)