What R U thinking, Tom?
I'm thinking about my pregnant wife, Mary. What if I die here?
Would you take care of my family for me?
Hello, How Are You?
Welcome to Micro-fiction Monday,
Where the picture paints 140 characters,
or even fewer.
For more information, check it out at Stony River:
;) ;) ;)
A different take on the pic for the day! And a great one, too! So interesting to me how so many of us see such different things in the same photo! Hope you have a great week!
i tot i saw that pic in shakira's blog..LOL
a very solemn take.
Great Take, Jingle!
Well done!
Oh that's a sad tale but probably true to life. :(
Definitely different from the rest. Nicely done.
Awww...Now there's a true friend! Clever caption.
Poor wife making a baby with that metallic outfit !
and that is why they call it honor...though i hope that at least one of them survives..
More serious than most, but appropriate. It fits.
thanks for your comment.
Nice one :)
Happy May to you too!
When a friend got back from Desert Storm he told of how he had volunteered to be first through the trenches...because others had children and he didn't...it was more important for them to survive. Soldiers do think of these things.
Just saw this over at Akelamalu's blog.. interesting concept!
Jingle, this is great. It reminds me of when I visited the Porta Nigra in Trier, Germany. My husband and I stood there looking out to the north thinking the same thing -- when a young Roman soldier went to serve on the "wild frontier" that Trier was part of, did he ever dare hope to see his home again?
So thank you for helping me see a not-as-funny, but certainly poignant story in this illustration.
Very well done!
The second more serious post that I have read. With all soldiers, they have to make plans ,just in case! Sad but true!
Nice take on the picture.
A very serious and touching approach. Great job!
that's a clever idea! nice job.
FANTASTIC choice !!!!
that is such a beautiful one ...
touching... :)
Very clever. Well done my friend :)
Now how did you come up with that? I'm no good at fiction.
Have a great week!
Considering their weapons, I don't think he'll ever have to make good on his promise.
My..that was interesting and so serious....good for you for going for it
It is nice to have True Friends. Nice Take on the Picture. Like the Soldiers going off to War and not knowing if they will come back.
oh, this one is much more sentimental! a welcome change in this week's offerings :)
hmm microfiction sounds interesting :)
don't trust the romans they killed the king.. Larry
Well, if Mary's a hottie, there goes Tom! Better watch his back now.
I shouldn't laugh really; today as I was packing for our move I came across my father's army discharge papers, including his list of medals and commendations, the amount of his last pay, his signature... he never, ever, ever, spoke about those years at war.
Your story is a great take on the prompt!
The sign of a good friend!
funny as all hector!
here is my microfiction here :
Lovely story. heart touching.
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