Saturday, May 15, 2010

Imaginations Is The Wing

Let your imagination fly

Way up high

To the boundless sky,

And don’t be shy

About why

Not Bidding goodbye!

Set your dreams free

Either beyond the Milker Way,

Or below the bottom of the sea,

And please agree

To count 1 2 3

Before you take shots of what you see!

Let your spicy desires

Set the universe on fires.

Hear the birds sing,

Imagination is the wing.

Oh, Yeah,

You are the master of the show here!


I hope that your day is filled with relaxations, entertainments, and satisfaction!

Happy Saturday!

U Deserve Happiness!


Kimberly said...

I liked your poem, and the message. Very inspirational!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a happy Saturday too :0)

Sheri said...

jingle, today i'm going to do just that, grab hold of my imagination and let it take me where it will...just hope i'm back in time to cook supper ;) happy weekend!

the walking man said...

I want my day filled with rage and pollution so I can breathe at my normal slow and steady pace. Relaxation can be deadly you know.

Brian Miller said...

hope you have a wonderful saturday.
love letting my imagination wander...

Barbara said...

Wonderful poem, Jingle, and I love the fairy princess at the end! She's adorable.
We all should take time to let our imaginations take hold. It keeps us healthy!
Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for the awards!

Unknown said...

Wonderful and inspiring! Thank you for the awards on my blog. I am very honored that you like what I write.

Vanessa said...

I love your poem! I'm lost in it...I've been powered to fly up and up the sky because of it....goodbye. :)

Toni said...

Beautiful! Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! That was a wonderful Saturday morning read! I'm smiling now and wishing you a happy Saturday, too.

Sam Liu said...

I especially like the fast paced rhythm of this uplifting poem. Hope you have a wonderful day :D

island of peace said...

a masterpiece jingle. let your soul know no chains.

Anonymous said...

"Happy Saturday" Jingle!!! Yes I'm relaxing and letting my imagination run wild!!! I feel so much better today yeaaaaaaa!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!
Love ya :)

buffalodick said...

Getting older has it's go from "Why not? To "Why Bother" too easily...

Anonymous said...

Very inspiring and great tone and message. Well done :) Happy Saturday :)

Readers Dais said...

Hi! Jingle
a well rhymed poem..loved it

Jen said...

I love to let my imagination run wild!

Dulçe ♥ said...

Oh you are a heart of gold... Jungle dear (how come I was not a follower yet?)

thanks for such beautifull piece

Velvet Over Steel said...

Beautiful poem! I loved it's depth! :-) ~ Coreen

william manson said...

inspirational, sweet, kind, imaginative, you are the best, and the sweetest xxx

Ronda Laveen said...

Sge advice very nicely written. I how the positive energy is flying out of the images heart chakra.

ZENDOM said...

Creativity does have wings
It sends the mind to different things
It allows its freedom to fly high and soar
It seems to be always an open door
So if you have an idea that is here
Release it quickly while it is still crystal clear

enjoy as well Jingle and Happy Saturday(+)

magiceye said...

just the right moood set for a rocking weekend!
wish you have a super day too!

DuDo said...

Thinking out of the box is the key in this limitless sky!!!

Loved reading it!! :)

Anonymous said...

Im a new follower to your blog.This is awesome here very different.Im all about different.Looking forward to visiting here.Thanks for joining my blog!~~Becky

Susie said...

That is beautiful!

Muthering Heights said...

Happy Saturday to you too! :)

Caroline said...

I love it so beautiful !!

Jim said...

This is a delightful poem, Jingles. As soon as I started reading it it became words of inspiration for just me. I believe most of its readers should feel likewise.

Thanks for peeking in on my words of 'wife not necessary' today. It was just about the opposite of your poem below. Congratulations on a wonderful marriage.

More Than Words said...

Wow, that was a really great poem!

Janice said...

Your poem brought to mind the words of John Lennon..."You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."

Jamie said...

Beautiful poem!

DrSoosie said...

I love your peotry...and some days I can aspire to the things you write of...and others it takes a poem like yours to inspire to that place. Thanks and happy Sunday Jingle!!

Anya said...

Have a FANTASTIC weekend :))
You deserved the best !!!

Loved your poem

Anonymous said...

Beautiful poem. Wonderful writing, Jingle. I enjoyed it very much...:)

Happy Sunday!

Vintage Obsession said...

ahh thats so sweet and nice : i wish the same for you hon :)have a fabulous week ahead :-)

Katherine said...

We did have a lovely Saturday thanks Jingle...hope your's was wonderful too! Lovely poem!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Thank you all for the beautiful comments, I value your input and wishing you the best of luck on everything in life!