Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Wish To Be A fish

Just like all of us, Fish come in different shapes and sizes, fish needs water the way human beings need air. Fish swim, no permanent homes, while humans do stay in a city for a few years, then move from state to state, or immigrate from country to country.

I like fish.

Words such as the following list portraying fish could be utilized to capture human beings are very rich and entertaining:

young fish, old fish; big fish, small fish;

short fish, tall fish; red fish, green fish;

fat fish, cat fish; square fish, round fish;

happy fish, sad fish; naughty fish, grumpy fish;

runaway fish, teenager fish; ….

I tried to use three lines (Similar to Haiku) to describe myself as a fish, call it The Wish to Be A Fish!

As yellowish as gold,

I‘m a naughty little fish

Refusing to grow old!

I also tried another one:

I‘m a baby fish

That is fluffy, fatty,

And witty!

Welcome to Jingle!

If you were a fish, what kind of fish do you want to be?

Happy Fish Wish Day to All!


Anonymous said...

A flying fish, a want to be bird of a fish.

Cheryl said...

I am a Pisces
Already a fish or two
Very confusing.

Anya said...

I wish I was also a fish
I could swim the whole day .... LOL


Caroline said...

I would have to say A Happy Fish. I try to always wear a smile :)
Great post !!!

Suz said...

Hi Jingle...that is a good question. I don't eat fish. I don't have fish. I do love to watch fish in a well taken care of fish tank....
I want to be a pretty fish....

I have flowing fins
my scales shimmer in light
caressed by water

Brian Miller said...

i like fish...always wanted an aquarium wall in the house...

justsomethoughts... said...

one fish, two fish

love both the jingles you penned

Man Named Kim said...

reminds me of the movie "The Incredible Mr. Limpit," starting Don Knotts.

Remember that one?

Rosaria Williams said...

A dolphin! Not exactly a fish, but oh so intelligent and helpful. That's me, at your service.

Stan Ski said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting.

Katherine said...

If I were a fish...I would like to be a clown fish because they're so colourful & they live in some of the most beautiful waters in the world.

Gandhali said...

i don't think i'd want to be a fish... but maybe goldfish? gaaah i don't know ...

Ronda Laveen said...

An angel fish, of course!

DrSoosie said...

A mud fish...they are really cool!! Your fish poem reminds me of one of my favorite authors Dr. Suess. One fish two fish green fish blue fish...

Vanessa said...

How about a starfish? Haha, admittedly not a fish, but very pretty...brainless...and has the ability to regrow injured limbs. A little weird...but cool!

steveroni said...

Third grade teacher called me a jelly-fish in the classroom. I was very embarrassed to not know what was a jellyfish. She made me look it up, and read it to the class!

But I'll settle to just be a "fishy" fish!

Cindy said...

If I were a fish I would be a clown fish. take care.

island of peace said...

well i will echo greg- i never wanted to be a fish- i always dreamed that i will be a bird with human soul and brain :)

cute, very cute poem. said...

i will come back said...

Oh Jingle..Iam Fish in zodiac...hahahahhahahah
love it


I will come abck again to your blog

Anonymous said...

Fish are lovely. I had an aquarium at home an year back.
I would love to be a Horse fish or a Flying fish...:)

Pauline said...

Oh, I had my answer so quickly but read through all the other comments to make sure no-one else had chosen it. I'd be a parrot fish, hang around in the tropics, colourful (and noisy)!

Reader Wil said...

We always want something we can't be, as soon as we are happy with what we are we are grown-up. Great post,Jingle!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Nemo, I like to be Nemo.

Sheri said...

jingle, that was marvelous fun, your fish tales ;)
i'd like to be a tetra whose bodies seem to glow in the dark, which you only want to be if you have nothing to hide!

JStar said...

This is nice Ji! Mmmn I would be one of them beautiful exotic fish...

mouse (aka kimy) said...

is there a mousefish? if so that.

william manson said...


ZENDOM said...

A little guy coasting under the sea
With his school of friends and wanting to be
He swoops so low that he hits the sand floor
Swims very rapidly upward as he soars
Jumps out for a moment into the air
Back in quickly without a care

enjoy Jingle and Happy Thursday to you as well(+)